Express News Headlines

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Second Sight TV launches a new Paranormal TV series

Media Inquiries and Interviews are welcomed. Pensacola, Florida — Second Sight TV is set to launch a new paranormal TV series this September 2019 on several local TV stations. Second

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First News Channel for the African Diaspora becomes the Voice for the African Diaspora with over a Million YouTube Subscribers

Houston, TX –The African Diaspora News Channel, founded and hosted by Phillip Scott of Houston, TX, and a re-brand of the popular The Advise Show, is the first news network

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Another Chinese Company has been Stopped from getting into United States

Recently, the most impressive news is President Donald Trump signed an executive order to stop their nation from using equipment of Chinese telecom giant Huawei. We are not going to

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“Urban Scene” Exhibition at JD Malat Gallery in London

Fine Art Shippers is pleased to share some great news: JD Malat Gallery in London is currently hosting an amazing art exhibition dedicated to the work of Li Tianbing. Fine

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“Urban Scene” Exhibition at JD Malat Gallery in London

Fine Art Shippers is pleased to share some great news: JD Malat Gallery in London is currently hosting an amazing

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US Police State Over Vaccinations; New HHS Czar Favors Pharma

“Nature heals…Let your food be your medicine.” Hippocrates, Father of Medicine We are losing our freedom over healthcare issues. California

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Thanksgiving Concern: Can God Bless America? Vote Yes & Get a Gift Ebook to Discover His Rescue Plan

“Righteousness exalts a nation.” A Proverb from Solomon, Israel’s wisest king. Millions are concerned for America, but do not see

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Recommendations for Drug Treatment of 130/80 (Normal) Blood Pressure Are Not Good

“Let your food be your medicine.” Hippocrates “Let the buyer beware” might be a better slogan than “Ask your doctor.”

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Amazing Facts Support the Existence of God, Says Scientist

“It is better to believe than to disbelieve; in so doing you bring everything to the realm of possibility.” Einstein

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Hawking Calls for Space Travel to Escape Earth; Daniel’s Prophecy of End-Times Are Half Fulfilled

If we have most of the things that money can buy, we should check to be sure we’re not missing

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