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Beware of Healthcare; It Should Be Self Care, Responsibility to Eat Wisely as the Main Ingredient

Beware of Healthcare; It Should Be Self Care, Responsibility to Eat Wisely as the Main Ingredient

September 13
00:00 2017
  • “Nature heals…let your food be your medicine” Hippocrates, Father of Medicine
  • Medical care is not healthcare. They have an inverse relationship. The more we get of one, the less we have of the other.

    “For 40 years, the pharmaceutical companies have strategized to re-label medical care as ‘healthcare,’ while suppressing news that their prescription drugs are a leading cause of illness, disability and death,” says Richard Ruhling, MD, a retired board-certified internist who taught Health Science at Loma Linda Univ, stating that what we put in our mouths is 90% of healthcare.

    Ruhling’s former wife died of another physician’s Rx for a urinary infection that wiped out her platelets and she died of a stroke in spite of hospitalizations with splenectomy, high steroids, gamma globulin and numerous transfusions.

    Ruhling visited US Senate offices with medical literature showing the pharmaceutical problem until one senator said, “You are wasting your time—they own us,” speaking of drug donations to their re-election campaigns.

    Big pharma played a major role in writing the 20,000-page Affordable Care Act that nobody read before they signed it into law. “He that answers a matter before he hear it—it is a shame and folly unto him,” Solomon. The Bible also says, “the gift blinds the wise,” Exodus 23.

    It seems damnable to Ruhling that most Bible translations hide the fact that pharmekeia is the Greek word that “deceives all nations” in Revelation 18:23, but they translated it as ‘sorcery.’

    This may come from the medieval times when alchemy and sorcery sometimes blended and the medieval church is now a major holder of pharmaceutical stock. So the call in Revelation 18 to come out of Babylon (confusion) and receive not of her plagues means more than religion.

    It’s a call out of all the confused systems for which government is a pusher today—medicine falsely called healthcare, education that dumbs children down and strips them of the morals taught by their parents, a correctional system that corrects very few, and a justice system that is proverbially blind and corrupt.

    Pioneers wisely limited big government as they crafted a constitution that enabled us to govern ourselves with fewer powers given to the state, and still less power to national government.

    John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Since President Reagan took a bullet and granted the pope’s wish for open borders, millions have crossed our border and America has changed.

    We are no longer the moral and religious people that our pioneers were. Half the population supports the other half, many of whom know how to type into Google, “How do I qualify for…”

    Dr. Richard Ruhling, author on current events and Bible prophecy , offers more information on his website at  His latest book, God Bless America? is offered at no charge this Saturday at

    Contact Detail:

    Company Name: Total Health
    Contact Person: Dr. Richard Ruhling
    Phone No: 9285837543
    State: Arizona
    Country: United States
    Website Url:


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