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High Noon, September 23 and No Rapture!

High Noon, September 23 and No Rapture!

September 23
00:00 2017

  • “We must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom,” Acts 14::22
  • Millions may be looking for the end of days and feel disappointed; isn’t it time for a fresh look?

    In the face of no rapture, many believers may not know where to draw the line between what they believe or don’t believe, says Dr. Richard Ruhling, author on current events and Bible prophecy.

    Several overlooked facts might be helpful:

    #1. The wedding parables may be misunderstood as a rapture. Women who missed the wedding lacked oil for their lamps, and the oil comes from the two olive trees in Zechariah 4. The Old Testament (olive tree) shows that God executed judgment on Egypt and took Israel to a covenant and later said, “I am married to you,” Jer 3:14.

    That’s how Christians can marry the Bridegroom. Paul included the Exodus in “all those things happened to them for examples…ends of the world.” 1Cor 10:1,11.

    #2. The Bible calls Israel God’s “first-born,” Exod 4:22. The Great Sign of Revelation 12 includes pregnancy—a nine-month period and childbirth. This can easily be next spring as the wedding parables ALL have Passover imagery. Israel was birthed at Passover and made a covenant at Pentecost 50 days later—timing that fits the “Great Sign” described on numerous YouTube videos.

    #3. Why should God be expected to rapture the last church that the Bible describes as wretched…blind and naked? Rev 3:17.  

    #4. The rapture is “at the last trumpet” in 1Cor 15:52. Let’s not forget there are seven trumpets that begin after an earthquake big enough to mention? Rev 8:5,6.

    #5. The good news is that nobody has missed the real deal, and anyone who chooses can be ready for it with an open mind and a continued seeking to understand the Bible.

    Richard Ruhling offers more information at  and his ebook, God Bless America? is free Saturday, Sept 23 at 

    Contact Detail:

    Company Name: Total Health
    Contact Person: Dr. Richard Ruhling
    Phone No: 9285837543
    State: Arizona
    Country: United States
    Website Url:


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