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Thanksgiving Concern: Can God Bless America? Vote Yes & Get a Gift Ebook to Discover His Rescue Plan

Thanksgiving Concern: Can God Bless America? Vote Yes & Get a Gift Ebook to Discover His Rescue Plan

November 21
00:00 2017

  • “Righteousness exalts a nation.” A Proverb from Solomon, Israel’s wisest king.
  • Millions are concerned for America, but do not see what may be coming. Our pioneers who celebrated Thanksgiving with native Americans centuries ago gave credit to God of the Bible for this great land and it offers insight for our time.

    11-21-17  PRESCOTT AZ. Can God bless America? Dr. Richard Ruhling invites those concerned about the US moral slide, shootings and violence to vote ‘yes’ by getting a copy of God Bless America? for no charge on Thanksgiving. Why not millions of votes favoring God’s intervention for this once great country?

    “The Great Sign of Revelation 12” in the sky on September 23 was heralded by some Evangelical Christians as an omen of an impending rapture or time of judgment, but there’s another way to understand it, says Ruhling who sees the 9-month ‘pregnancy’ as pointing to an event this coming spring.  

    Ruhling’s reasons include the fact that the wedding parables all have Passover imagery. Passover was a time of judgment on Egypt. Egypt killed babies and the US has aborted 60 million. Egypt enslaved Israel, and the US has enslaved most people in alcohol, tobacco, drugs, food, gambling, greed, crime, sex, violence, ‘music’ etc…

    We celebrate freedom to choose our preferred form of bondage. Millions die in nursing homes without pain or brain, and “healthcare” is a leading cause of death due to prescription drugs, says Ruhling, a retired MD.

    God executed judgment on Egypt and took Israel to a covenant, later saying “I am married to you,” Jeremiah 3. “That’s the meaning of the wedding parables that some misunderstand as a rapture,” according to Ruhling.

    The wedding parables show a sudden event beyond which there is no time to get ready. The midnight cry in Matthew 25 echoes Egypt’s calamity in Exodus 12. The “knock” in Luke’s wedding parable is an earthquake because Laodicea, the lukewarm materialistic church where Christ “knocked,” ended in an earthquake.

     “The day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night; when they shall say, ‘Peace and safety,’ sudden destruction comes on them, as travail* on a woman with child” in 1Thessalonians 5. *This could be an allusion to the Great Sign’s ‘pregnant’ imagery (90-second video linked above) pointing to spring, explained in God Bless America?

     The Iran Nuclear Treaty was ‘peace and safety’ and two days before the Great Sign, the UN’s International Day of Peace with this year has as its theme, “Together for Peace: Respect, Safety and Dignity for All.”

    Ruhling believes that a huge event is impending and that we need better understanding of biblical readiness… Before turkey on Thanksgiving, let’s ask God to bless America and vote ‘Yes’ by getting a copy for no-charge at where its book reviews are 4-5 stars and a free reading app is also available for pc’s.

    For those who like print copies, God Bless America? will be available to local book stores for the holidays. For more information or to schedule an interview, Dr. Ruhling may be contacted via his website at or by phone at 928-583-7543. He is available as a last minute guest, offering a 1-sheet and talking points with a pdf of his book.

    #          #          #

    Publisher: IngramSpark / Total Health Publications
    Contact Richard Ruhling * 928-583-7543 *

    Contact Detail:

    Company Name: Total Health
    Contact Person: Dr. Richard Ruhling
    Phone No: 9285837543
    State: Arizona
    Country: United States
    Website Url:


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